Sunday, October 26, 2008

Gone Apple Pickin'

We spent the last 75 degree Saturday at Afton Apple Orchard. We ate, um, I mean picked raspberries, apples and took photos with the pumpkins. The weather was absolutely beautiful and I think I even got a bit of a sunburn.

David had a blast helping to pick the fruit and took great delight in eating just as many of the raspberries that he picked. William enjoyed the stroller ride and the fresh air.

William is starting to crawl and we have taken to calling him Bulldog lately. No, it is not his looks or even personality. He growls a lot. As I type this, he is playing in the living room with David and I can hear him growl as he moves around the floor. It is very cute and it makes us laugh.

Tim is off tonight at a meeting with his nephew Andrew. Tim will serve as Andrew's confirmation sponsor. We are going to have pancakes for dinner.

Well, another exciting day at the Schindler household. Hope you all had more fun.

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