Thursday, November 6, 2008

All Through the Night

Good news! William has slept all the way through the night for the last two nights. He went to sleep at 9pm and slept till 7ish both mornings! I forgot what it was like to sleep all night long. Wow!

My mother will get a kick out of this. David locked me out of the house the other day for the second time. The reason she will get a kick out of it is that I did the same thing to her when I was about 2 years old. I actually locked her in the basement in her pajamas. She had to go outside around the front and break the chain lock on the front door of the house to get back into the house.

When I got locked out, I actually had my keys on my belt loop. Unfortunately, David also locked the screen door. He is able to unlock the inside door and open it, but there is child proof doorknob spinny thingy that prevents him from going outside without my knowledge. It also prevents him from opening the door to unlock the screen door. The first time he did it, I was able to tear the screen on the door and reach in to unlock the door.

The second time, unfortunately I had not replaced the screen and had closed the glass window on the door. It was, however, about 70 degrees outside and had opened the windows in the kitchen for some fresh air. I went to a neighbors for help because I had William in my arms. (One of my neighbors works from home and was home at that time of day.) We tried to gently pry the screen door open with a crowbar, but were unable. Finally, I took a car key and ripped one of the window screens. I really did not want to do it, because I knew that it would be a pain to replace. My very tall neighbor was able to then reach inside and open the back door and David unlocked the screen door.
I am very grateful that my neighbor was home and willing to help me. Since this second incident, I have removed the locking mechanism from the screen door. We never lock it anyway. David was at no times in real danger because our house is pretty well childproof. I was worried about my M&M stash. I left one of the kitchen chairs down and David knows where the M&M's are located. He did help himself.

Ahhh motherhood...... Fatherhood however.....


Anonymous said...

Thanks Kristin. I do know Im not alone and most days that is a huge help.
I must confess that there are days that I cant imagine my kids will end up leastsomewhat socially competent. I feel the "control" slipping through my fingers DAILY and despite knowing that it isnt about control I getting frazzled trying to get it back.
Having three this close together was a lot easier when they were little...on the other hand they are more capable of helping now. Sigh...this isnt ever going to be easy is it? This is precisely why I am not a nun.

Anonymous said...

By the way...If you ever get locked out and your neighbor isnt home I will help however I can